纽西兰确实是远足和散步的天堂, 10 Great Walks truly help represent the landscape and rich diverse natural habitat of the country.真正有助于代表该国的景观和丰富多样的自然栖息地。 The walks cover about one/third of the total area of New Zealand, which itself sums up why the nation is seen as the walking capital of the world.步行区约占新西兰总面积的三分之一,这本身就概括了为什么新西兰被视为世界的步行之都。 The的 散步是体验他们的文化的最佳方式,原生环境以及动植物。 It is the ideal and most relaxing escape from city life.这是远离城市生活的理想且最轻松的假期。
散步是 广泛管理 并精心管理 由环境保护部,可以选择带向导的或不带向导的步行道,但由于它们很受欢迎且一次也不允许很多人乘坐,因此需要事先预约。 Tramping even one walk gives you a strong sense of serenity, achievement and is即使步行一趟也能带给您强烈的宁静感和成就感, 探索新西兰偏远地区的最佳方法.
在出发之前,请务必研究一下赛道的各个方面,包括天气,食物,住宿和衣服,以及有关步行的信息,您可以为Android用户下载Great Hikes应用程序,为iOS用户下载NZ Great Hikes。
这条路线沿北岛东海岸的怀卡雷莫阿纳湖(Waikaremoana)绰号“荡漾的海洋”。 在途中,您会遇到一些美丽而偏僻的海滩和科罗科罗瀑布,这使这条赛道非常值得。 您在赛道上越过的高悬索桥将确保您带来极高的震撼体验。 该地区受到Tuhoe人民的密切保护,可以确保您在欧洲移民来到该国之前瞥见本地和史前的热带雨林。 从Panekire虚张声势和神奇的“妖精森林”上欣赏的日落使这条路成为一种高度丰富的体验。 除了陡峭的攀登到Panekire悬崖外,其余的步伐都很悠闲。
这不是赛道,因此您必须将运输安排到赛道的起点和步行的终点。 距吉斯本(Gisborne)有1小时30分钟的车程,距怀罗阿(Wairoa)有40分钟的车程。
步行是开始的循环赛道, 结束于鲁阿佩胡山脚下。 The core of the hike takes you through the volcanic area of the world heritage徒步旅行的核心带您穿越世界遗产的火山地区 汤加里罗国家公园, throughout the trail you get spectacular views of the two mountains Tongariro and Ngauruhoe.在整个小径上,您可以欣赏汤加里罗(Tongariro)和恩高鲁霍(Ngauruhoe)两座山的壮丽景色。 The diversity of the natural environment makes a huge impact on the hikers taking on this track, from the red soils, hot springs, volcanic peaks to glacial valleys, turquoise lakes, and alpine meadows.从红色的土壤,温泉,火山峰到冰川谷,绿松石湖和高山草甸,自然环境的多样性对徒步旅行者沿着这条路线产生了巨大影响。 The walk should be on the bucket list步行应该在遗愿清单上 对于《指环王》粉丝 as the famous Mt Doom can be witnessed on this hike.因为在这次远足中可以见证著名的末日山。 The best time to go on this walk is from最好的步行时间是 十月下旬至四月下旬 由于攀登的高度和该地区的气候条件。
整个行程145 km,4-5天,戏水
住宿-有两间过夜小屋-其中之一是蒂克·卡英加(Tieke Kainga)(也是马拉)和露营地
This journey is not a walk, it is a quest one takes on to conquer the river Whanganui on a canoe or a kayak.这段旅程不是散步,而是一项乘独木舟或皮艇征服旺格努伊河的任务。 There are two options available, the entire journey of 145km or a shorter 3 day trip from Whakahoro to Pipiriki.有两种选择,全程XNUMX公里,或从华卡霍罗到皮皮里奇的短三日游。 The journey旅程 提供肾上腺素的高冒险体验 当您在急流,瀑布和浅水区划桨时。 途中最好的休息是探索被遗弃的桥梁“通往无处的桥梁”。
它是一个 非常规的步行,但如果您喜欢在水中并想在河中航行,那将是一次值得的体验。 进行此独木舟之旅的最佳时间是 XNUMX月初至XNUMX月。
这款 起点陶马鲁努伊 从旺格努伊(Whanganui)出发,需要2个小时的路程;从鲁阿佩胡(Ruapehu)可以步行到达。
住宿-途中停留在已付费的偏僻小屋/露营地中。 也可以选择入住小屋。
The Abel Tasman Park is home to this beautiful track, at the heart of the trek are the beautiful white sand beaches, the crystal clear bays with the backdrop of cliffs.亚伯塔斯曼公园(Abel Tasman Park)就是这条美丽小径的故乡,在跋涉的中心是美丽的白色沙滩,水晶般清澈的海湾和悬崖峭壁。 The sunniest place of New Zealand offers the only coast side-walk in New Zealand.新西兰最阳光的地方是新西兰唯一的人行道。 The most impressive part of the track is the 47-meter long suspension bridge which takes you to the Falls River.赛道最令人印象深刻的部分是XNUMX米长的吊桥,可带您到福尔斯河。 On the way,you could also Kayak or take a water taxi to experience and revel in the coastal scenery.途中,您还可以划独木舟或乘坐水上出租车,体验并陶醉在沿海风光中。 You could also go on a day walk to get a short experience of this track.您也可以进行一日游,以简短了解该曲目。
作为 这次步行的难度很低,建议 承担家庭冒险 赛道提供了海滩上最好的露营地。
The park is a 40 minutes drive from Nelson.该公园距离尼尔森(Nelson)XNUMX分钟车程。 The best part about this track is that it is an all-season route and there are no seasonal restrictions.关于这条赛道的最好部分是,这是一条全季节路线,没有季节性限制。
This walk is located in a remote region in the northwestern region of the South Islands in the Kahurangi National Park.此步行道位于Kahurangi国家公园内南群岛西北部的一个偏远地区。 The track offers you a这首曲目为您提供 希菲河的美丽景色 while you make your way through wetlands, mountains, and the west coast.当您穿越湿地,山脉和西海岸时。 The track is accessible year-round but the climb is a bit tricky during winter-months.这条赛道全年均可通行,但在冬季,攀登有些棘手。 This walk is for the nature lovers as the plethora of wildlife and fauna you come across here is unmatchable, ranging from the palm forests, lush green moss, and bushes to the great spotted kiwi bird, carnivorous snails, and takahe.步行适合自然爱好者,因为您在这里遇到的野生动植物种类繁多,从棕榈树林,葱郁的青苔和灌木丛到奇异的奇异鸟,肉食蜗牛和takahe,一应俱全。
它位于 峡湾国家公园 in the Southern region of the Island.在岛的南部地区。 This is a new track which was open to hikers and mountain bikers only at the end of 2019, it这是一条新路线,仅在XNUMX年底才向徒步旅行者和山地自行车开放 为纪念这29个人而创建 who died in the Pike River Mine.谁死在派克河矿。 On the way, while climbing the Paparoa range you will be lead to the former site of the mine.在途中,攀登Paparoa山脉时,您将被带到矿山的旧址。 The park and the track allow you to explore the landscapes similar to the limestone like Jurassic park, woodlands and ancient rainforests, and the breathtaking views from the Paparoa ranges.公园和赛道可让您探索类似于石灰岩的风景,例如侏罗纪公园,林地和古老的雨林,以及帕帕罗瓦山脉的壮丽景色。
公园是一个 从皇后镇开车8小时 and a 10 hours drive from Te Anau.距蒂阿瑙(Te Anau)XNUMX小时车程。 The best time to take on this walk is from散步的最佳时间是 XNUMX月下旬至XNUMX月下旬。
这是 位于美丽的奥塔哥和峡湾地区 and it opted by many as the path to enter the Fiordland National Park while hiking through the Mount.它成为许多人在远足穿越山峰时进入峡湾国家公园的途径。 Aspiring National Park.有抱负的国家公园。 This route is for those who want to have the experience of being on top of the world as the track involves climbing alpine paths with the best mountain views.这条路线适合那些想要拥有世界一流水准的人,因为这条赛道涉及攀登具有最佳山景的高山小路。 The track is as splendid from both the directions, as from one direction the remarkable Routeburn river leads the way for your walk to reach the alpine meadows and the other direction where you climb up to the这条路线在两个方向上都很出色,一条壮观的Routeburn河从一个方向引导您步行到达高山草甸,而从另一个方向攀登至 峡湾关键峰会 offers spectacular panoramic views of Fiordland.提供峡湾的壮丽全景。 Throughout the route, the glacier valleys and majestic lakes (Harris) that adorn the track will keep you awe-inspired of the beauty of the path.在整个路线中,装饰着赛道的冰川山谷和雄伟的湖泊(哈里斯)会让您惊叹于小路的美丽。
散步的最佳时间是 XNUMX月上旬至XNUMX月下旬 距皇后镇(Queenstown)45分钟车程,距蒂阿瑙(Te Anau)XNUMX小时车程。
已经被考虑了 世界上最好的散步之一 in nature amidst the alpine and fiord scenery.在高山和峡湾的自然风光中。 The的 步行道已经存在了将近150年 and is the most popular hike in New Zealand.是新西兰最受欢迎的远足While taking on the track you see the marvelous spectacle of mountains, forests, valleys, and glaciers which finally lead to the在赛道上,您会看到山脉,森林,山谷和冰川的奇观,最终导致了 风景如画的米尔福德峡湾。 The track covers various waterfalls including the tallest waterfall in New Zealand.赛道覆盖了各种瀑布,包括新西兰最高的瀑布。 You begin the trek after crossing the Lake Te Anau on a boat, walk on suspension bridges, and a mountain pass until finally culminating at the Sandfly point of Milford sound.在乘船穿越蒂阿瑙湖之后,您开始跋涉,在吊桥上行走,然后越过山口,直到最终在米尔福德峡湾的桑德弗特点达到顶点。
出于警告,攀登Mackinnon Pass并不适合胆小者,这可能非常具有挑战性,并且需要足够的健身。
由于长途跋涉很受欢迎,因此您必须提前预订,以免错过最后一刻的机会。 由于气候条件始终限制人们跋涉,因此最好的游览时间是 XNUMX月下旬至XNUMX月下旬。
这是一个 距皇后镇2小时20分钟车程 到达那里,距离蒂阿瑙(Te Anau)仅20分钟车程。
跋涉是开普勒山脉之间的环行,您还可以看到 跋涉在Manapouri和蒂阿瑙湖。 Luxmore Hut和Iris Burn Falls附近的萤火虫洞穴是游客参观的热门地点。 This hike also gives you这次加息还给你 的美景 冰川谷和 峡湾湿地。 The track was custom-made to ensure that those taking the walk can make the most of this walk from seeing the tussock high country to the beech forest and witnessing the bird-life.这条赛道是量身定制的,以确保那些散步的人可以充分利用这段步行路程,从见到草丛高地的乡村到山毛榉森林,以及见证鸟类的生活。
该路线还受到气候条件的限制,因此最好的游览时间是 XNUMX月下旬至XNUMX月下旬。 从皇后镇到这里需要两个小时的车程,而从蒂阿瑙出发则需要五分钟的车程。
This track is not either of the Islands.这条路既不是岛屿。 It is它是 在斯图尔特群岛 located just off the coast of the Southern Islands.位于南部岛屿的海岸附近。 The Islands are home to a myriad of birds and the best place to go bird-watching.群岛上有无数鸟类,是观赏鸟类的最佳场所。 As the Islands are isolated, nature is in charge and the surroundings remain untouched by human beings.由于这些岛屿是孤立的,所以自然是负责人,周围的环境仍然不受人类的影响。 You can walk along the golden-sand beaches and through the dense forests in the hike.您可以沿着金沙滩漫步,并徒步穿越茂密的森林。 The walk is possible to take on throughout the year.全年可能进行散步。
If you are looking to set out, live in nature, and experience the wholesome and varied diversity that our planet has to offer.如果您想出发,生活在自然中,并体验我们星球所提供的有益健康和多样化的多样性。 Every single walk on this blog should be on your bucket list and you should take to tackling all of them!该博客上的每条步行记录都应列在您的清单中,并且您应该对所有这些进行处理!
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